Tone Tags Ultimate List
Tone indicators, a guide to effective communication
Carrd by GoldenError404
What is Tone?
A variation in the pitch of the voice while speaking that indicates a speakers intentions in a message.According to Cambridge Dictionary - "a quality in the voice that expresses the speaker's feelings or thoughts"What are Tone Indicators?
Tone indicators are symbols used in text to clarify the emotional tone or intention of a messageWhy Use Tone Indicators?
Tone indicators help convey emotions and intentions in text, which are often lost in online communication due to the lack of non-verbal cues. Some people, especially neurodivergents, have trouble understanding and conveying tone over text, which can create misunderstanding. Tone tags can aid in avoiding this.What does "neurodivergent" mean?"Neurodivergent" ("ND") refers to individuals with different mental or neurological functions compared to the norm. It encompasses conditions like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and more.When and Where to Use Tone Tags?
Use tone indicators when a message's tone is ambiguous or you want to ensure your tone can't be misinterpreted. Tone indicators can be used in any form of text-based communication, including social media, messaging, and emails!How to Use Tone Indicators
Tone indicators are placed at the end of a sentence!!Example:
I love you/p
Wow, thanks!/sarc
Wow, thanks!/genWho Can Use Tone Indicators?
Tone indicators are meant for everyone. While they initially served to help neurodivergent people, anyone can use them!!Cautionary Considerations
- Avoid mocking tone tags; they are necessary for some
- Tone indicators should not excuse rude behavior
- Include tone indicators in your original post for better visibility.
- Do not misuse tone tags to confuse or mislead others
- Use only the tone tags you find useful and respect others' choices
- Be patient with misunderstandings and politely explain when needed
- Not all neurodivergent individuals need or want tone indicators; respect their preferences
Tag | Indicated tone |
/a or /aff | affectionate |
/adm | admiration |
/aes | aesthetic (attraction) |
/agg | aggressive |
/alt | alternative |
/alter | alter specific |
/am | actually mad |
/amh | at my headmates |
/amu | amused |
/ang | angry |
/ann | annoyed |
/anx or /anxi | anxious |
/ao | an order |
/ap or /apo | apology |
/apa or /apath | apathetic |
/appr | appreciation |
/ar | a rant |
/ars | alterous |
/att | ask to tag* |
/av | a vent |
/ay | at you |
/b | bitter |
/ba | bantering |
/bit | bitter |
/bitsw | bittersweet |
/bm or /bdm | body memories |
/br | bragging |
/c or /copy | copypasta |
/ca | caring |
/cb | clickbait |
/cel | celebratory |
/cfc | censored for comfort |
/ci | caring intent |
/cj | coping joke |
/cm | calm(ly) |
/cnh | character not headmate |
/co or /conc | concerned |
/coll | collective |
/cf | comforting |
/com or /comp | complaining |
/con | contradicting |
/cont | continued* |
/cr | cringey |
/cu or /cur or /curi | curious |
/cwh | coping with humor |
/d or /dram | dramatic |
/day | directed at you |
/der | derogatory |
/dev | devious/devilish |
/dir | direct |
/disr | disrespectfully |
/dkm | don't kill me* |
/dnc | do not comment |
/dni | do not interact |
/dp | deadpan |
/dr or /nr | do not reply |
/e or /emb | embarrassed |
/ebh | everybody here |
/edu | educational |
/em | empathizing |
/eth | empty threat |
/ex | exaggerating |
/exa or /fexa | (for) example |
/exci | excited |
/exo | exo memories |
/exp | explanation |
/f | fake |
/fb | flashback |
/fic | fiction |
/fl | flirting |
/fm or /fam | familial |
/fo or /for | forced |
/fos | figure of speech |
/fr | friendly |
/frj | friendly joking |
/frt | friendly teasing |
/fru | frustrated |
/fs | for those who are altscribal and are (if able to) forcing themselves to be scribal (not necessarily in a bad/negative way) |
/fx | flex |
/g or /gen | genuine |
/gb | gibberish |
/gc or /genc | genuine confusion |
/genap | genuine apology |
/gene or /genep | genuine explanation |
/gent or /gentle | gentle or gently |
/grq or /genrq | genuine request |
/gs | general statement |
/gensg or /gensugg | genuine suggestion |
/gq or /genq | genuine question |
/gy | general you |
/h | helpful intent |
/hap | happy |
/hav | half a vent |
/hc | headcanon |
/hj | half joking |
/hjov | half jokingly overreacting |
/hjpr | half jokingly prideful |
/hlh | half light-hearted |
/hnc | headmate not character |
/hpr | half prideful |
/hs | half sarcastic |
/hsd | half self-deprecating |
/hsrs | half serious |
/hsp | headspace |
/ht | half teasing |
/hvy | heavy topic |
/hy or /hyb or /hyp | hyperbole |
/i | ironic |
/ij | inside joke |
/imo | in my opinion |
/in or /info | information* |
/ind | indirect |
/irr or /irre | irrelevant |
/intpun | pun intended |
/isys | in system |
/iw | innerworld* |
/iwiwj | I wish i was joking |
/iyc | if you're comfortable |
/j | joking |
/jai | just an idea |
/jav | just a vent |
/ji | joking insult |
/jk | just kidding |
/jov | jokingly overreacting |
/jpr | jokingly prideful |
/jq | joke question |
/js | just saying |
/jw | just wondering |
/key | keysmash* |
/kin | In ref to a kin |
/kmed | In ref to/discussing a kin media |
/kmem | In ref to/discussing a kin memory |
/kys | "keep yourself safe" |
/l or /ly or /lyr | lyrics |
/la | laughing |
/lh | light-hearted |
/lhj | light-hearted joke |
/lhs | light-hearted sarcasm |
/lht | light-hearted teasing |
/li | literal |
/lil | little space / regressed |
/lm | a little mad |
/lo | longingly |
/lu | a little upset |
/lv | lovingly |
/lw | a little worried |
/m | meme |
/mad | mad |
/met | metaphor(ical) |
/ma | messing around |
/mani | manifesting |
/md | melodramatic |
/mhly | misheard lyrics |
/misch | mischievous |
/mj | major joke* |
/moj | mostly joking |
/ms | mostly sarcastic |
/msrs | mostly serious |
/n or /neu | neutral connotation |
/na | not aggressive or angry |
/naa | not asking anyone or not at anyone |
/naah | not at anyone here |
/nabr | not a brag |
/nafx | not a flex |
/nai | not an insult |
/nam | not actually mad |
/nao | not an order |
/naq | not a question |
/nar | not a rant |
/nau | not actually upset |
/nav | not a vent |
/nay | not at you |
/nb | not bad |
/nbh | nobody here |
/nbr | not being rude |
/nbs | nobody specific |
/nbv | not being violent |
/nbyk | nobody you know |
/nc | not condescending |
/nc or /neg | negative connotation |
/ncb | not clickbait |
/ncm | not comparing or not competing |
/ncr | not creepy |
/ndaah | not directed at anyone here |
/nerv | nervous |
/nf | not forced or not fake |
/nfl | not flirting |
/nfta | not forced to answer |
/ng | not genuine |
/ngs | not genuine suggestion |
/ngt | not guilt tripping |
/nh | not hostile |
/nha | not hating |
/nhyp | not a hyperbole |
/nisys | not in system |
/nj | not joking |
/nli | not literal |
/nm or /nmu | not mad/upset |
/nmay | not mad at you |
/non | nonsense |
/np | not pushing, no pressure, or no problem |
/npa | not passive aggressive |
/npi | no pun intended |
/npr | not prideful |
/nptf | not pushing to front |
/nr | no reply |
/ns | not sarcasm or not sad or not sure |
/nt | not teasing |
/ns or /nx or /nsx | no sexual intent |
/nsb or /nst | not subtweeting |
/nsd | not self-deprecating |
/nsrs | not serious |
/nsrsq | not serious question |
/nstim or /nstm | negative stimming |
/nsu | doesn't want/need support |
/nt or /nth | not a threat |
/ntar | not targeted |
/nu | not upset |
/nv | non-verbal |
/nw | not weird |
/nwa | no wrong answer |
/ny | not yelling |
/nyf | not your fault |
/ob or /obs | observation |
/obj | for when youre expressing some sort of desire specifically because you are objectum |
/objv | objective |
/od or /odra | overdramatic |
/of or /ot | off topic |
/opn | opinion |
/osys | out of system/not in system |
/ot | off topic |
/oti | ok to interact |
/otl | ok to laugh |
/otr | ok to ask for reassurance |
/outr | outraged |
/ovs | oversimplification |
/ovt or /ovth | overthinking |
/ow | outerworld |
/p or /pl or /plat | platonic |
/pa | passive-aggressive |
/par | parental |
/para | paraphrasing |
/pc or /pos | positive connotation |
/pf | playful |
/pfl | platonic flirting |
/pi | please interact |
/pl | please laugh |
/pla | plaintive |
/pm | playfully mad |
/pr | prideful |
/psd or /psdo | pseudo memories |
/psl or psla | please laugh |
/pstim or /pstm | positive stimming |
/pth | playful threat |
/pwr | Ping when responding/replying |
/pun | pun |
/q | question |
/qu | quote |
/qj | quarter joking |
/qp | queer platonic |
/r | romantic |
/ra | random |
/ram | rambling |
/rat | random thought |
/rc | reality check |
/ref | reference |
/rel | relieved |
/res | respectfully |
/rh or /rt or /ret or /rhe or /rtq | rhetorical question |
/rp | roleplay |
/s or /sar or /sarc | sarcasm |
/safe | safe* |
/sann | slightly annoyed |
/sb or /sbtw | subtweeting |
/sbh | somebody here |
/sd | self-deprecating |
/sens | sensual intent |
/sg or /sug | suggestion |
/shdfd* | Schadenfreude |
/sin | sincerely |
/sil or /silly | silly |
/slil | slightly little space / regressed |
/slur | slur* |
/slursrs | seriously using a slur (as opposed to when youre joking) |
/spds | stop, please don't stop [stop /nsrs] |
/srs | serious |
/st | self-teasing |
/st or /state | statement |
/sta | source talk |
/stim | stim(ming) |
/su | supportive |
/sv | soft vent |
/sverb | semi-verbal |
/sw or /switch | switch |
/sym | sympathizing |
/sympt | symptom |
/sys | system* |
/sysij | system inside joke |
/t | teasing |
/tan | tangent |
/tfj | ¾ joking |
/th or /thr | threat |
/thj | jokingly threatening |
/ti | tired |
/tic | tic* |
/tq | typing quirk |
/tr | true |
/ts | to self |
/tsnc | there is no context |
/ttms | talking to myself |
/tys | typing stim |
/u or /up or /ups | upset |
/ui | unironic |
/uil | using i lightly |
/unin | unintentional |
/unr or /unre | unrelated |
/v or /vio | violent |
/vague | vague |
/vann | very annoyed |
/vm | very mad |
/vneg | very negative |
/vpos | very positive |
/vsrs | very serious |
/vs | vocal stim |
/vu | very upset |
/vw | very worried |
/w | warmth |
/w or /wd or /wor or /worr | worried |
/wc | with consent |
/wh | whine |
/wp | wrong proxy |
/wsu | wants or needs support |
/x or /sx or /xxx | sexual intent |
/! or /e or /exc or /exci | excited |
/? or /con or /conf | confused |
/?! | excited or surprised question |
See a tag that's not on the list?
/att (ask to tag) - ask the person for a tone tag if you need one or think one should be added for clarification
/cont (continued) - whatever is being said is continued in the next post, comment, etc.
/dkm (don't kill me) - used with some opinions or jokes
/in or /info (information) - used when coining a (typically lgbtq+) term or when discussing info
/iw (inner world) - used by systems when referring to their inner worlds
/key (keysmash) - used to differenciate between a keysmash & a code
/mj (major joke) - used like /j but with more emphasis
/safe - not really a tone indicator, it's just saying that the thread or post doesn't have like gore or anything in it
/shdfd (schadenfreude) - when someone gets gets called out and someone who is using that tone tag feels satisfaction from it
/slur - words that aren't actually slurs but are jokingly treated as such
/sys (system) - for systems only; used when saying something that's not directed at anyone outside of the system
/tic - used when something was typed accidentally because of a tic